Art Direction | Video Editing | Exhibition

Stories of Change - Barbican Centre

A different world is possible, but we need to share stories of hope, courage and change to learn how we can get there.   
Listen to 10 stories that investigate how colonialism, racial justice, identity and indigenous knowledge intersect with global environmental efforts.

Commissioned by the Barbican Centre and exhibted in their touring Our Time On Earth exhibtion, Stories of Change  weaves together the perspectives of both people and the planet. It unites people fighting for a more interconnected future, from documentary photographers and filmmakers to grassroots activists and youth campaigners.  

Hear about the movements these people have seen and the transformations they hope to see. Feel inspired to discuss and reflect on how you, too, can use your voice to bring about positive change.

Featuring the inspiring voices of: Sharona Shynader, Louis VI, Joycelyn Longdon, Yumna Al-Arashi, Leo Cerda, Arati Kumar-Rao, Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, Nathan Lawson, Carmen del Prado & Solomon Magomane

Special thanks to: Buster Grey-Jung, Dear Fu

ture Children Film, She Changes Climate & Nicolas Daniel Glasbauer

© Dipo Kayode-Osi